Before taking in any of the sights of Hue, we figured we had better get straight onto arranging our onward travel up to Hanoi, as due to the New Year celebrations this particular leg of the journey was reported to be very busy. It was - we explored every option to move on in the planned 2 days time, there were no seats left available on any trains, planes or buses for a minimum of 3 days, & even then all that was available were the last 3 seats on a 12 hour night bus - the relative luxury of the sleeper buses with a sort of chez lounge style seat for each passenger (nowhere near as glamorous as that sounds) were well & truly booked up for the entire week. So after resigning ourselves to another uncomfortable night a few days ahead, & an extra night in the city we went out & treated ourselves to our first Indian curry for quite some time - which actually turned out to be really nice.
As it turned out Hue was not a bad place to spend a few days, we spent a day seeing the sights of the old walled city, had some more good food, ended up staying in a really nice hostel & found some good bars to while away the hours. Due to the colder temperature in Hue, the bars were set out much more like European bars - i.e. they were inside with doors & windows, rather than largely outside with just some sun/rain shelter above - which made a nice change & made us feel a little more at home.
When the night of the bus journey arrived we found ourselves the only non-Vietnamese on the bus, crammed in on seats at the back of the bus with hardly any leg room - the only thing that made us feel slightly better was the fact that we weren’t quite the worst off - a woman had paid her way onto the bus (at a reduced rate) at the last minute after all actual seats were gone, & proceeded to sit on a plastic garden chair in the middle of the aisle for the duration of the journey. This being Vietnam, with the sort of uneven roads & crazy driving that we had now become accustomed to, we were less than convinced about the ability of this woman to actually remain on this chair for the whole journey. With every wild braking or swerving manoeuvre the flimsy plastic legs of the garden chair she was sat on pretty much buckled under her, leaving the prospect of her getting any sleep somewhat out of reach. Against all the odds, the three of us actually managed to get a small amount of sleep & the journey wasn’t actually as bad as what we had feared. The woman on the garden chair arrived in Hanoi looking somewhat dishevelled & tired, having just endured quite possibly one of the most uncomfortable nights of her life - though something tells us this wasn’t the first or last time she had actually used this particular seating arrangement!
The bus dropped us at the side of the road at about 5am on the outskirts of Hanoi - not quite what we were expecting, a bus station being the usual drop off point of choice. However, there were a few taxis lined up so we weren’t concerned, but it appeared that it was a little too early for any taxi driver to actually be wanting to do any work, as it took us a good half an hour to coax any of them into giving us a lift into the city centre. As we made our way into central Hanoi we passed hoards of pensioners all doing their morning Tai Chi in the park, or power walking around the edge of the lake - limbering up for the days mayhem that lay ahead in this crazy city.
Pulling up to our hostel in Hanoi – The World Hostel, we were not exactly pleased with what we were confronted with...the pictures & reviews they had used on the web were nothing like the flea pit it actually was. When we confronted the staff with the disparities in the pictures etc they just laughed it off, claiming they had just redecorated – quite why anyone would redecorate a place that looked contemporary, clean & modern into something that had dirty walls, lino falling apart up the stair wells & disgusting bathrooms was beyond us, but...
After some food we searched round a few hostels, which were all far better than our one & for not much more money, determined to move places we had a few more Bia-Hoi’s while we talked it over, then decided it all sounded like too much grief & just decided to stay in the hell hole we were already in. Such are the beauty of beer fuelled decisions.
The following morning with slightly thick heads, we waved farewell to the delights of The World Hostel & jumped on our tour bus out to Halong Bay. Admittedly alarm bells started ringing straight away, as the bus – that was supposed to be a private bus from the ‘Explorer’ agency we had booked with, turned out to be a shuttle bus for the infamous ‘Sinh Cafe’ tour agencies, of which there are hundreds of completely different agencies all trading under the same, as once upon a time Sinh Cafe tours used to be the best value back packer tour agencies in Vietnam – now hundreds of others have simply stolen the name to try & get a slice of the pie that Sinh Cafe monopolised in the past. It was for this very reason that we didn’t book with a Sinh Cafe agency in the first place, as there was no way of telling the good from the bad.
Upon arrival in Halong City port, there were vast numbers of people standing around not going anywhere. We proceeded to join this crowd & stand around in the rain going nowhere, doing nothing & getting no information for almost 2 hours. Many people had booked just a day trip out to the Bay & were being turned around & taken back to Hanoi, the fog being so bad that the harbour master would not allow any boats out into the bay. Just when we thought we would be turned round back to Hanoi as well, our ‘guide’ herded us up & took us over to a distinctly shoddy looking ‘Junk Boat’ – the name really fitting the bill of what our vessel represented. ‘That’s weird’, we said to each other, this looks nothing like the luxury ‘Explorer Tours’ boat we had been promised in the pictures when we booked the 3 day 2 night trip. Oh well, we thought, perhaps we will move to a bigger boat when we get out of the harbour. As our boat & every single other boat in the port proceeded to pull out at the same time (about 200 of them), we unsurprisingly all came to a crashing halt as the boats all bottle necked against one another trying to get out of the harbour exit. After much shunting & crashing of boats against one another, our captain decided to give up, so we dropped anchor on the other side of the harbour to where we boarded the boat (about 100 meters away) & we were served lunch.
Nose to tail with dozens of boats, we ate our way through a bland & unexciting lunch of boiled Tofu (foul!), rice & cold chips. ‘That’s weird’ we all said to each other again – this looks nothing like the lovely pictures of food we were shown in the agency offices. The one saving grace about our boat was that it was one of only a few boats that wasn’t full of Chinese, Japanese & Vietnamese tourists all getting completely stuck into a good bit of lunch time karaoke in tone deaf voices. Funny to watch from our boat as they were all going mental for it, thankfully we were spared this torture actually taking place in our boat.
Quite how far into the unknown we would find ourselves going was steadily being revealed to us with each developing chapter of this tour. After a couple of very tranquil hours cruising through this magical landscape, we arrived at the island wherenwe were to spend the night. Of the two nights we were on this trip, one was in a hotel on the island; the other was on the boat. We arrived at the hotel, (looking nothing like the pictures we had been shown by the agency once again), to find that the entire hotel was soaking wet inside. All the floors, the walls, the stairs, the chairs, tables, light switches, and plug sockets were soaked. It was like the pores of the hotel were actively sweating in the heat. A very strange phenomenon that we have not seen anywhere before or since. Against my better judgement I decided to the plug the TV in our room into the plug socket, where it very quickly & unsurprisingly exploded almost immediately. Woops...we won’t mention that to the staff.
Due to the fact we had been shunted from pillar to post between a myriad of equally inefficient agencies, the ‘guide’ on our current vessel had no record of our tour including the hire of bikes in the original price (...’that’s weird’, we thought), he was not budging on his stance, & we refused to pay any more money than we had already paid, so we decided to set off on foot for the ‘hike’ through the ‘National Park’. What it actually transpired to be was a paved road through one of the islands, no sign of any ‘National Park’ information, & no option to deviate from the paved road on our ‘hike’. After about 45 minutes of walking in the midday sun down some random road on the island, we decided we had had enough & made our way back to the boat to console ourselves with a couple of cans of lager.
We cruised around more islands for the afternoon, stopping off at ‘Monkey Island’ where we were supposed to have an explore around, however our ‘guide’ announced to us as we dropped anchor 100 metres from the beach that our boat didn’t have a small dingy boat that they need to actually get to the shore, & if we wanted to get to island we would have to swim. That’s weird....
Getting back to the island where we had spent the previous night, we boarded a bus back across the island & boarded yet another boat – this time the boat actually resembled the boat we had been promised all along, with private cabins, a nice lounge & dining area & beautiful deck top terrace. The new people that we met on this boat all had tales of how the last couple of days had been absolutely perfect for them, cruising around on the same boat the entire time in full comfort & luxury, having visited the actual National Park, been actual hiking & actual mountain biking, kayaking numerous times etc – all the things we had been sold, but were yet to materialise. It quickly transpired however that this luxury vessel was not to be our boat for the night, & we were yet again just being ferried to one more boat.
Getting back into Hanoi we arranged to meet up with Mike & Nina for a few final Bia-Hoi’s at our favourite street side establishment, before which however was a quick visit back the ‘reputable tour agency’, Explorer Tours, that we had booked with, to make a few minor complaints about the disparities between what we were sold & what we ended up. Thankfully we managed to negotiate ourselves a 20% refund each which was something.
After a few drinks & some more street food with Mike & Nina, we made our way down to Hanoi train station for the sleeper train we were taking that night, headed for the far North West of Vietnam, a mountain town populated by minority hill tribes called Sapa. The sleeper trains have 4 berths to a cabin, so we felt a bit sorry for the lone Vietnamese lady who had the misfortune of making up the 4th bed in our cabin – the 3 of us already being a few beers in, decided that the best way forward would be to carry on the merriment on the train with the cans of ale they were selling on the train. As it transpired I think we were dealt our karmic payback straight away, as when we decided to turn in about 3am we not only struggled to nod off, but when we finally did start to get some sleep the train pulled into the station very shortly afterwards, some hour or so ahead of schedule around 5am in the pitch black & cold whereby we then had to make our way a further hour up a very steep & windy road in the back of a van to get to the town of Sapa...those few extra ‘one for the roads’ no longer seeming like such a great idea.
We had booked into a really nice guest house in Sapa called ‘The Fansipan’ where we were greeted with a breakfast of bacon & egg sandwiches which went down very well. The town is a very picturesque place high in the mountains, famed for being shrouded in mist most of the year; we were lucky enough to have a few days of sunshine while we were there & as such could take advantage of the great views of the surrounding valleys & hillsides.
We had booked into a really nice guest house in Sapa called ‘The Fansipan’ where we were greeted with a breakfast of bacon & egg sandwiches which went down very well. The town is a very picturesque place high in the mountains, famed for being shrouded in mist most of the year; we were lucky enough to have a few days of sunshine while we were there & as such could take advantage of the great views of the surrounding valleys & hillsides.
In the afternoon we visited one of the villages where the tribe actually live & were invited into one of the homes. A very basic adobe hut with little more than an open fire which was the kitchen area & beds on the floor, constructed of mattress’ made from piles of twigs & branches with covers over the top. A very modest & hard way of life, shown in the faces of the some of the women we met who were in their 40’s, though looked in their 60’s or 70’s.
Many of the mountainsides in the area have been completely given over to agricultural terraces, & it makes for a striking landscape – if not somewhat barren looking this time of year as it was the dry season. We found the people to be very warm & friendly who were happy to share glimpses into their way of life that is so far removed from our own. Having said that mind you, many of them have now joined the mobile phone revolution & can regularly be seen walking down the street balancing a bag of crops on their head, chewing on a piece of sugar cane in one hand while chatting away on their mobile in the other.
After a really good 3.5 weeks in Vietnam we made our way back down the mountain from Sapa to the Northern border town of Lao Cai, where we bid a fond farewell to Vietnam & crossed the border into the impending mayhem of the Peoples Republic of China...
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